Kulinarnie o tyle, że stołek jest do kuchni czyli DIY: decoupage (English instruction)

Kulinarnie o tyle, że stołek jest do kuchni czyli DIY: decoupage (English instruction)

Moższ zmienić, zmodernizować, odnowić, odświeżyć swoje meble bez uszczerbku na swoim budżecie. Jeśli, tak jak ja, kupiliście kuchenny stołek, który przypomina dizajnem retro Gierek – wspomnienie przychodni z dawnych lat, możecie zmienić je przez decoupage. Cały wysiłek to nabycie kleju do tej techniki. Smarujecie nim krzesło/stolik i naklejacie kawałki starego komiksu, gazety, tworząc kolaż lub stare plakaty czy mapę. Z wierzchu jeszcze raz malujecie klejem. Jeśli kiedyś tapetowaliście, wiecie, że pęcherzyki znikną.


It is possible to repaint, repolish, renovate, give a person, individual touch to your furniure with no impact on your budget. Decoupage is a technique where you stick the pieces of paper to pieces of furniture. That simple. You can do it with photographs, comic books, posters, maps and you can make really personalized beautiful piece of furniture. It is easier to decoupage with small pieces like cut comic book because you cut along the lines of a story and stick each one separately. Prepare the pieces of paper you want to use. You want to do a little bit of planning before starting to glue your pieces. You don’t have to be particularly methodic but if there’s something you need to show – plan it out. Now you’ll need to get gluey. What you want to use is a decoupage glue – easy available, I bought it online, it’s always cheaper. You’ve got to make sure your surface is clean and dry. You cover your surface in a glue (with a brush) then put your picture on and then you go with the glue again over the top. Glue underneath, glue on top and make sure everything goes smooth, try to avoid air bubbles. And that’s it. You just need to wait a little while for your chair (table) to dry. Don’t worry, the white glue will dissapear from your pictures.
